CIDETEC takes part in the PneumoNP consortium meeting held in Maastricht


The PneumoNP project, focused on the development of theragnostic systems for the treatment of resistant pneumonia, faces its final stretch with a follow-up meeting in Maastrich.

On June 20 and 21, a follow-up meeting of the PneumoNP project was held in Pathofinder. The project has been under way for three and a half years and faces its final 6 months. The 11 partners that comprise the consortium met those days to analyse the most recent results and plan the work up to the end of the project in late 2017.

The project will allow the development of a new diagnostic kit for the identification of pneumonia caused by klepsiella pneumonia, a difficult-to-treat multidrug resistant bacterium. During the meeting, the results of the validation tests being carried out in order to launch a product in early 2018, were presented.

The consortium also had the chance to analyse the results obtained from the tests carried out with treatments with several candidates of nano-drugs done on types of rat which had been previously infected with Klebsiella pneumonia. This allowed to select a final candidate that will be tested by the end of the project.

The final phase of the project includes discussions and meetings for the exploitation of the results obtained. So, for example, CIDETEC has patented a single chain nanoparticle technology for drug delivery and has recently published a paper in the Journal of Materials Chemistry B.
