CIDETEC’s Damien Dupin, named one of the Top 10 reviewers for the Journal of Materials Chemistry B.

This recognition takes place within the framework of the Peer Review Week, that on the subject of Recognition for Review was held this year from 19 to 25 September.

Peer Review Week is a global event dedicated to the vital role that peer review plays in maintaining scientific quality. The event brings together individuals, institutions and organizations committed to the idea that a good review is essential for academic communication. 
This year's theme is Recognition for Review and covers all aspects related to how the contributions made by those involved in reviewing scientific papers should be recognized. 
It is within this context that Damien Dupin is included in the list of the top 10 Reviewers for the Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 
Damien Dupin works in the biomaterials unit at CIDETEC in the field of smart colloids and hydrogels. 
